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steve blank

  • 网络史蒂夫·布兰克;布兰克;布兰科;史蒂夫布兰克;史蒂夫·布兰科
steve blanksteve blank
  1. In a crowded seminar room in Silicon Valley recently , author Steve blank asked the audience who among them wished to start their own company .


  2. One of them , reinventing board meetings ( or , " why board meetings suck " ) , has gotten some attention from leading thinkers like Steve blank and Brad feld .


  3. Steve Blank , writing in The Huffinton Post , blamed social networking and social media companies such as Facebook for stifling innovation .


  4. " Every bubble is a game of musical chairs ," says Steve Blank , a former serial entrepreneur who teaches at Stanford .


  5. Steve Blank is the author of " The Four Steps to the Epiphany ," which details his customer development process for minimizing risk and optimizing chances for startup success .


  6. Take Steve Blank from LaunchPad . He had sent out a reminder to all the students that anyone who missed the first class wouldn 't be able to register for the course .


  7. Steve looked blank and said he had no idea what I was talking about .
